| May 16, 2015 |  

She said

A woman is fulfilled

When she sees in her man’s gaze

The love she dreamt all her life

All her age

As a beau as a love as a wife

And that’s where end

All her strives

There she would be


What is made of her in love

There is not a single moment

In her survival

That tortures like a rival

And the question keeps popping

As if from the Bible

And the heart keeps screaming

Why it has to be without him

Who is his life’s sole vim

With whom it swears to swim

To the horizon and beyond

My professor of physiology

Did concur

Take a woman to the most deserted minaret

Keep her starved unclad

But love her with honor

Love her real mad

She would never leave you

Even if you are a tad

But lo and behold

Take her to Waldorf Astoria

Pamper her with the best

But you would fail in the test

She would leave you!



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