Mount Abu also a holy and sacred place on Earth: Dr. Arun Sharma

| August 24, 2015 | Tags:

Mount abu is also known as abode of Gods, its is believed all God and Goddess have been to Mount Abu, and people also say many saints are still meditating in the forests of aravalli hills.

Shankar Math on Canvas: Dr. Arun Sharma

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Shankar Math, the temple of Lord Shiva in mount abu, where a 9.5 tall ‘Shivlling’ is worshiped, we are sharing a beautiful painting made by Dr. Arun Sharma of Shankar math templ. To know more about the temple click here.

Nakki Lake Fountain & Rainbow on Canvas: Dr. Arun Sharma

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Every one has their own way to express love towards nature, city or any thing, some try to express their love through photography, some through painting and other mediums. Today we are sharing a painting made by a true abu lover who has adopted all the ways to express his love towards arbudanchal. He is […]