Recent click of thin layers of ice seen early morning today in Mount Abu

| January 23, 2016 |  

December 31 use to be the most freezing day of Abu, temperature falls upto -5 degrees or more and tourists in abu just enjoy this sensational atmosphere celebrating new year, but this year things were different 31st wasn’t that cold it was cold but not as it use to be in earlier years, and one can notice a twist in weather as just after 14th January Makar Sakranti, temperature started falling down again and reached up to – 4 degrees and layers of ice can be seen again which generally happens in month of December.

When we are talking about global warming and change in nature, it has now become very crucial to become more responsible towards nature, government will play their role but as an individual we also need to mind our activities and do our level best for betterment of nature.

Plant trees may be in small pots but do that.
Don’t throw your garbage in open.
Save water, mind the wastage of water while washing car and other things.

As we keep our home clean and maintained because we are living in it than how we can be so careless about the place where our home is living, our super home Mother Earth, keep it healthy and clean.

Following are the clicks of today morning

mount abu ice 1

mount abu ice 2
mount abu ice 3

mount abu ice 4

PC: Sunny Sharma



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