A painting that explains why it’s called “Toad Rock”

| September 11, 2021 |  

Mount Abu | For decades Mount Abu has been a tourist attraction offering the incoming explorers a peek into its incredibly rich mythological history, numerous spots offering a view of an amalgamation of natural beauty and peace, calming temples with breath taking art of stone carving, its British era architectural heritage but a hidden gem for those seeking art & adventure are the naturally carved Rocks & Hills with some of the most recognizable shapes.

Among the rocks that are shaped similar to different animals, the most famous one has to be the ‘toad rock’ looking over the Nakki Lake. Inspired by nature’s art, Mr. Rajiv Soni, a tattoo artist of Mount Abu came up with an idea to compare the similarity between an actual toad and the famous toad rock hill. He decided to put his art on a canvas and created this oil painting depicting a real toad superimposed on the rock giving us all an idea of how similar it actually is. Show your appreciation for this effort by Rajiv Ji in comments and tell us do you see the TOAD?



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