Different species and beautiful poses of “Green Munia” birds found in Mount Abu: Anil Mathur

| March 4, 2017 |   ,

The mount Abu eco-sensitive zone provides an ideal habitat for the green munias. It is the presence of numerous birds which make mount Abu a paradise for bird watchers.

With a body full of colours,
Decorating the nature alongside flowers,
It’s the beginning of the bird mania,
Yes this is the green munia.



The green avadavat (amandava formosa) is a globally threatened species endemic to India. Various species of munia are found here like : Silver bill munia , scally belly munia and black headed munia.


The green munia ,the male breeding has red bill, lime green upperparts, bold black and white barrings on flanges and yellow underparts.


Female too looks alike but has duller greyish green underparts, less prominent grey and white barrings on flanks. Greyish throat and breast and duller yellow vent and undertails covert.


Juvenile lacks bright green in plumage, has red base Olive green cast to upperparts. Yellow undertail covert and pink legs and feet.


The green munia is sighted commonly in the sanctuary and adjoining areas. Most of the sightings are in open grasslands where human habitat exist. Green munia is a small grain eating bird, it is resident bird of Central India and as a caged bird, it is often called the tricolour nun and green tiger finch of India.

Photos clicked by: Anil Mathur


For bird watching/ photography and other extreme adventures in mount abu contact abutimes call 9462 874806



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