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Bear seen walking down the road near Aryana Hanumanji

| February 3, 2015 |

03/02/2015 Mount Abu, Bears are often seen in mount abu at late night, and the same happen today when some of the local resident of Mount Abu, Mr. Julius and Mr. Jaswant were driving down to Abu Road at 1:00 AM they witnessed a bear was walking down the road to mount abu, and they […]

महेश अग्रवाल ने शिक्षण सामग्री दान कर साक्षरता को बढ़ावा दिया

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माउंट आबू 02/02/2015, शहर के अम्बेडकर कालॉनी में स्थित राजकीय उच्च प्राथमिक विद्यालय संख्या-पांच में छात्रों का शिक्षण सामग्री का वितरण समाज सेवी महेश अग्रवाल के परिवार की और से किया गया। इस मौके पर पालिकाध्यक्ष सुरेश थिंगर ने छात्रों को सदैव शिक्षण के क्षेत्र में उच्च प्रतिमानों को स्थापित करने के लिए सतत् अध्ययन […]

जंगल में मौर नाचा किसने देखा, लेकिन अब देखेगा सारा जहां: #AGIT

| February 2, 2015 |

ABU GOT INDIA’S TALENT is an exclusive 6 month Online Talent Hunt Journey to the Final Live show down, organized by with Let us twist dance academy; Share your dancing, singing, mimicry or any other talent video with us and get a chance to perform in our final showdown and win exciting prizes. Additional […]

Documentary film about the tough life in 'LAHAUL': COCOON INTACT

| February 1, 2015 |

Trailer of COCOON INTACT (DOCUMENTARY FILM) .. MOVIE RELEASING SOON. This film is about the tough and rugged life of the people of ‘LAHAUL’. We explore the beauty of this place, often called the “Lonely planet in the himalayas”. As the trailer impact about the honesty and sincerity of the director, AbuTimes cordially appreciate the […]

माउण्ट आबू में 5 अवैध व्यायसायिक भवनों को किया गया सीज

| January 31, 2015 |

माउण्ट आबू, राजस्थान उच्च न्यायलय के आदेशों की अनुपालना में की गई कार्यवाही। शहर के पांच व्यायसायिक बहुमंजिला भवनों को मॉनीटरिंग कमेटी के द्वारा दी गयी अनुमति से अधिक बनाए गए अवैध निर्माण को प्रशासन द्वारा कार्यवाही करते हुए शुक्रवार को सीज किया गया। मौके पर अल सुबह जब कार्यवाही आरभ की गयी तो सभी […]

Exploring the Flora and Fauna of Mount Abu: Sanjay

| January 27, 2015 |

Its always amazing when there is a DSLR and you in the jungles of Mount Abu, its quite obvious that you would get very busy if your a passionate photographer, its just the starting there’s lot more to come.


| | and RANA (Adventure Group) went to explore some exciting adventure sites of Mount Abu and the beautiful Flora and Fauna. Lead by the reg. mountaineer Mr. Bharat Alika also the owner of RANA group and one of the experienced and intelligent adventure planner in Mount Abu, described about the history of caves and measures […]

हर भारत वासी एक सिपाही, नशा सबसे बड़ा अभिशाप: माउंट आबू गणतंत्र दिवस

| January 26, 2015 |

26/01/2015 माउंट आबू, 66 वे गणतंत्र दिवस पर आयोजित माउंट आबू, पोलो ग्राउंड के अरावली रंग मंच पर समारोह पर जहा एच. गुहिटे तिरंगा फेरा कर समारोह की सुरुआत की वही नशा मुक्ति एवं हर एक भारत वासी सिपाही नाटक का आयोजन किया गया | इन नाटक में श्री हरीश जी पंचाल, उमेद सिंह राठौर, […]


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26/01/2015 Mount Abu, The 66th republic day of our nation was celebrated with lot of energy in Mount Abu in the presence of SDM H. Guite, chairman Suresh Thinger, Students, Police officers and people of Abu. Blind School, Mount Abu was awarded as the winner of Parade competition and Forest Dept, Mount Abu received 1st […]


| January 24, 2015 |

GUN GAS BOMB BLASTER PROJECT, PRESENTED BY DEVENDRA AT SCIENCE EXHIBITION, PACIFIC UDAIPUR. 1. Introduction about model no.DEVS 150/d2 (Gun Gas Bomb Blaster) Gun gas bomb blaster machine it is called so as it’s controlled by gas, in this machine four types of metals i.e. 1:Iron 2:Brass 3:Aluminium 4: Mild steel and wood are used, […]


| January 23, 2015 |

जब विस्फोटक दाग जाता है……आतंकी भाग जाता है जान के लाले पड़ जाते हैं……….मुहं में ताले जड़ जाते हैं सघन समीक्षा कब होती है…….कड़ी सुरक्षा तब होती है 23 January, Birth anniversary of Netaji Shubhas Chandra Bose. In the history of India’s struggle for freedom, one man stands out in all distinctiveness and a class […]

Do You know about #AGIT organized by #AT & #LUTDA

| January 21, 2015 |

ABU GOT INDIA’S TALENT is an exclusive 6 month Online Talent Hunt Journey to the Final Live show down, organized by with Let us twist dance academy; Share your dancing, singing, mimicry or any other talent video with us and get a chance to perform in our final showdown and win exciting prizes. Additional […]

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