Truck driver attacked with an ‘Arrow’ near Swaroopganj on NH 27 way to Udaipur

| May 28, 2017 |  

truck driver attacked with on nh 27

News | Late night around 2:00 AM a truck driver was attacked by some unknown people probably the tribal villagers near by with an arrow where as another driver was tied to a tree and was brutally beaten by people on National Highway 27 near Swarropganj. After this incident all the truck drivers gathered at National Highway, blocked the highway for whole night and protested against this miss happening. Police personals somehow managed to release highway at 6:00 am today’s morning assuring the truck drivers that delinquent will be caught and will be punished accordingly.


On March 29 we came across another news of such incident taking place on national highway 27 where Bollywood actor Jojo was attacked by stones on his car and later he was admitted to hospital for the treatment having severe injury on his right eye. >> Published News Link


Is administration lazy to protect travelers ?
Before this highway was built, it was a broken road to udaipur and took long time to travel and was also not safe at all specially after Sunset, with this new highway the distance from abu road to udaipur is shortened to less than 2 hours but this miss happenings is again making it difficult for people to travel specially after sunset.

– Serious and non bailable punishment should be given to delinquents.
– Holiday are on tourists safety should be first priority
– Road patrolling is much required.



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