3 shades of Nakki Lake, Mount Abu: Ashok Chouhan

| July 29, 2016 |  

The luscious wonder.. With protean plunder.. Sans any thunder.. Soft as silk.. Smooth as velvet.. With bloody heart astute.. Kisses the eyes with variable hues.. A litany of fragrance cues.. To the marvel world of senses imbues.. Sight, tactile, gustatory delight anew .. Heavenly peaches .. The soul coos! – Dr. Arun Sharma


Nakki Lake is the heart of hill station. Its a must visit place as it gives no. of reasons like shopping, boating, eatery, etc; the mythological lake is the largest man made lake at the height of 11,000 m. Pleasant atmosphere, surrounded by Aravali hills, mist in air, cold breeze make it perfect place for romantic evening.


Nakki like has always attracted people for photography one single lake have been clicked many a times, by different people from different angles and recently Mr. Ashok Chouhan came with an idea to click nakki lake in different clicks and out of many we have selected these three clicks to share with you all, hope you all like it, acknowledge by sharing this post. It’s very hard to bear spasmodic pain during the period. I cannot get up, sit and walk during the first two days. When the period coincides with working days, you have to take time off. A friend advised me Tramadol. It has become my salvation! There is more information on the website https://capecrossing.com/sandoz-tramadol-online-usa/.


Explore more photos of nakki lake and stories behind its existence click here



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