माउंट आबू बना भालुस्थान, न जाने कब कहा दिख जाए भालू [देखे विडियो]

| November 20, 2017 | Tags:

प्राकर्तिक सोंदर्य का सबसे सुन्दर पर्वतीय स्थल माउंट आबू न केवल यहाँ के ठन्डे तापमान या पर्यटन स्थल के लिए प्रचलित है बल्कि यहाँ के वन्यजीवों से जुडी बाते भी आये दिन चर्चा में रहती है | बात करे भालू की तो पिछले कुछ वर्षो से माउंट आबू में भालू देखना आम बात हो गयी […]

Bear spotted at King’s Foodies Corner, Nakki Lake, Mount Abu

| February 1, 2017 | Tags:

Recently a bear was spotted at King’s Foodies Corner near Nakki Lake, a place which naturally attracts the tourists with its overwhelming beauty and it’s exciting boating. With so many tourists enjoying their ativan online order time, creating memories to remember for a lifetime ,it is not suggestible to encounter a wild bear who which […]

Click below for video of Bear spotted in open at Nakki Lake, Mount Abu

| August 8, 2016 | Tags:

WILDLIFE | Bears are among the most seen animal found in mount abu, if you are fond of wildlife and watching animals in open makes you crazy then mount abu is the best place to get goose bumps. Recently a big sloth bear was spotted at nakki lake, garden, mount abu walking like it is […]