And once again Aravalli Ranges are burning, can this be stopped ?

| March 25, 2017 |  

Mount Abu | It has not been a week that once again we came across news of fire igniting in the forests on Aravalli Hills on the way to Abu Road to Mount Abu Road, Arna Village. There have been many reasons estimated by people around behind the reason of this fire in mount abu forests, some people think it is done purposely by villagers or anti society people and some think it happens coz of hot sun and dry leaves in the forest.

The reason can be any but this is really very saddening that abu-ites come across these news every summers but even after years there has been no solid solution undertaken by forest dept. or administration. One of the major reason behind wild animals approaching toward populated areas is fire also. These burning r aravallis forests every another dau is a big threat to rich flora and fauna of adobe of God, Mount Abu.

Administration, Forest Dept and Tourism will have to take this issue seriously and come up with a permanent and productive solution.



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