Facebook Introduces 5 New Like Options

| February 26, 2016 |  

The most popular social media portal with billions of subscribers, “Facebook.com” has now become the habit of many individuals; Every Post has an option to LIKE it, but many a times there are posts which we dislike or get angry about it, in short for every type of post on FACEBOOK we had only one option and i.e. LIKE, but now you have multiple options, FACBOOK has introduced some more emoticons like ‘Love’, ‘Haha’, ‘Angry’, ‘Wow’, ‘Sad’ and the foremost ‘Like’.

This new feature is being appreciated by users, as many a times there are sad and annoying posts buy accut online that can never be liked, but because of no options we had to hit like but now you have 5 more options other then Like to express your feelings for every post on Facebook.



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